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Friday 12 September
Kveldsåpent på Podium
Simon Mullan
Lova Hiselius

Safty Curtain / empty man

Safty Curtain / empty man is a duoshow with Simon Mullan and Lova Hiselius. Whilst Simon Mullan is an established artist, Lova Hiselius is currently entering her second year as an mfa student at Oslo National Academy of Arts. The two artists are in different stages of their career and the idea behind the exhibition originates from their use of textile as material and medium. Mullan and Hiselius are both characterized by working with everyday objects as main characters engaging with cultural symbols delving into the layers of meaning embedded in common objects and clothing, revealing historical and social connotations.
Mullan and Hiselius' works are illuminated by a curiosity that lies in interfaces between canvas and textile, materiality and its cultural symbolism. Mullans "Safety Curtain" explores the interplay between visibility and anonymity in contemporary society, while Lova Hiselius is exhibiting a series of paintings yet to be stretched, where shadow, imprint and reflections act as a signifier for ghosts.
Simon Mullan (f. 1981, Germany, Based in Berlin) explores themes of identity, power, and social structures. Mullan's artistic practice includes installation, sculpture, and video. His work often involves meticulous craftsmanship and the repurposing of everyday materials putten together to form segmented lines and shapes often evoke architectural or coded systems. At Podium he has created a new work titled "Safety Curtain." This piece consists of 70 3XL white safety jackets, which are cut and sewed together into a 12m x 4m artwork that covers the entire length of the gallery. Between 2008 and 2015, while living in Sweden and Norway, Mullan saw the rise of high-visibility safety wear. Reflective safety jackets became ubiquitous, worn by everyone from small children to industrial workers, to ensure they were easily seen. This trend prompted him to question visibility itself. Interestingly, subcultures quickly adapted to this trend, with graffiti artists, thieves, and criminals also donning these jackets to blend into society.
Lova Hiselius (f. 1997, Sweden, based in Oslo) main mediums are painting, sculpture and installation. Her work explores absence and presence through motifs drawn from personal experience. Lova Hiselius' works depict everyday objects as the main characters. A chair, keychain or a candle tell their stories from being a bystander in a room where intimate limits have been crossed. She aims to create an imagery where the impossible is possible: smoke from a blown-out candle forming a word of caution, or a three-dimensional object seemingly crashing towards a painted and simplified version of itself.

Podium galleri på Hausmania
Åpent for alle
15:00 - 19:00
Hausmannsgate 34
Inngang fra Hausmansgate, inngang første dør på venstre side.